Promise Men’s Fishing Event
Join us for the first annual Promise Men’s Fishing Trip on June 8, 2019. This is sure to be a great time for all our guys! Please feel free to bring your own tackle and fishing pole if desired, but neither are required. We will be fishing from multiple boats and no experience is needed! Just come on out and enjoy some sunshine and fellowship. RSVP to Pastor Tim at or (517) 281-1272. This event is in collaboration with Michigan Free Fishing Weekend. No fishing license is required (,4570,7-350-79119_79146_84107---,00.html).
When: Saturday June 8th 9am
Who: Men of Promise Assembly of God
Location: Fishing begins at 7:45am at Jordan Lake (Lake Odessa)
Carpool: Meet at 7:15am at the ride share on 96 and M-100 (Grand Ledge exit).